

捷豹学生支持网络 Logo

美国 学生 who offer hope, support, transparency, and advocacy in order to build resilience to thrive in our lives
and within our campus community.


This form must be submitted to request a pairing with a peer mentor OR to request outreach services such as a group presentation, setting up an informational table, creating a bulletin board or conducting a workshop on any 心理健康 related topic. Please click the link below to access the Request form.



The 捷豹学生支持网络 (JSSN) is currently accepting applications to become 认证同侪导师. As 认证同侪导师 for JSSN, students will receive training on various 心理健康 topics including depression, anxiety, stress management, support and leadership skills, and more. The JSSN Program consists of a group of dedicated and diverse students from our campus who are trained and equipped with the knowledge and skills they need to reach out and support other 美国 students. 应用程序是 每学期接受. If you are interested in being a part of JSSN, click the link below to complete an application.





嘿每个人! I am a Psychology major with the desire to become a Licensed Mental 健康顾问. My personal goal is to help eliminate the stigma centered around 心理健康. I currently work as an advocate for individuals with intellectual disabilities and during the school year, I tutor elementary aged children. 最重要的是,我 我是你的拥护者吗! I have a passion for helping others, especially my peers. I know that we can understand and help each other better than anyone else!


捷豹学生支持网络 (JSSN)

电子邮件地址: 美国.JSSN@gmail.com
Instagram: @usajag_support

  • Person sitting at desk smiling with whiteboard behind her.
  • 学生 high fiving and smiling around 南paw statue.
  • 美国高尔夫球车上的同伴导师.
  • Peer counselors in student center with table set up for information for students.
  • Advertisement for a Stigmas and Stereotypes in Mental Health.
  • 课堂上的学生.
  • Student in front of screen with a presentation in the background about stress.
  • Peer Counseling table with pamphlets on it.